Large representation in Tczew

The Kingdom of Cats team conquered Tczew in large numbers again! 7 breeders and 12 cats. 3 mco, 3 rus, 2 rag, 3 drx and bal. 16 ex1, 2 bivs, 3 noms and 1 bis.

???? The biggest congratulations are due to Patrycja Makara and her cat Hana Bella Tigra*PL, who won BIS for us on Sunday. In the BIS panel we were represented by two cats of Patrycja and one well known to you – Barbara Parucka’s Casanova.

????️Applause is due to the winners of BIVs, i.e. cats Basia Parucka and Monika Gaweł Jurdeczka.

Nevertheless, we are grateful to all those who were there on our behalf, whether they came home with or without certificates

Kocie Love*PL Afgan*PL Królewski Czar*PL Barwny Kot*PL Et Cetera Blue*PL JellyCat*PL Korol Kings*PL