“Go to the shows”. – Easy to say, but who will pay? The costs are getting higher and higher. We don’t want to force you to go, we just want to encourage you. Because it is worth it. It is worth it to breed winning cats. By doing so you will build good collaborations and raise the quality of felinology throughout the country.
From 1 June 2024, you can apply for a refund of your show costs. Read the rules and fill in the application form.
This means that you do not have to be a member of the organiser’s club to get a discount on their show. We are introducing discounts for ALL OUR club members for ALL FIFe shows.
Partial refunding of show costs includes:
Refund of 20 PLN show fee for each entry, or:
A refund of 40 PLN if the entry receives at least Best in Show.
In order to apply for a refund, the legal requirements must be met and the decision to grant a refund is made by the Board of Management on the basis of the regulations.
Applications will only be considered from Kingdom of Cats members who are in good standing with the association, who are not in arrears with the payment of their membership fees, and the cat to which the application relates must not have been disqualified, absent or scored Ex 1% on any day of the show to which the application relates. The time for submitting an application is also limited to 14 days from the end of the show. You can read more details in the rules and regulations.