Strona główna » Documents


Membership declaration – Kingdom of Cats (.doc)

Membership declaration – Kingdom of Cats (.pdf)

Attach a completed personal data declaration form to the membership declaration:

Notification of personal data to FPL (.doc)

Notification of personal data to FPL (.pdf)

To register your cattery, complete and send the document below:

When filling in the form for the application for a breeding nickname, enter several proposals – the first free one will be registered, so check the FIFe and WCF websites to see if by chance someone has already taken the name you have come up with. You should also read the FIFe breeding regulations.

Registration of the cattery name (.doc)

Registration of the cattery name (.pdf)

Transfer application

A transfer application must be completed if the cat is sold abroad.

Transfer application (.doc)

Transfer application (.pdf)


An application for nostrification must be filled in if your cat does not have a pedigree provided by the FPL federation. The completed application must be enclosed with the original pedigree for review. In the case of male cats, please also enclose a certificate from your veterinarian that both his testicles have properly descended into the scrotal sac (see FIFe breeding reg. – 3.2).

Nostrification application (.doc)

Nostrification application (.pdf)

Pedigree anmendment (.doc)

Pedigree anmendment (.pdf)

Refundacje kosztów wystawowych

Zapraszamy do zakładki refundacja, gdzie znajdziesz więcej informacji na temat częściowego zwrotu kosztów wystawowych. Poniżej znajdują się dokumenty do pobrania – wniosek oraz regulamin refundacji.

Wniosek o refundację kosztów wystawowych (.pdf)

Regulamin refundacji wystawowych (.pdf)